Make your mark this August and September by joining the nation’s most cherished celebrations – Merdeka and Malaysia Day, right here on Astro AWANI. Makna Merdeka – This is your exclusive opportunity to connect your brand with Malaysia’s legacy through the most trusted news source. Don’t just advertise, celebrate with us and let your brand story become part of the nation’s pride.

Choose Your Engagement Avenue:

1. Unveil Your Brand’s Journey

Through our Brand Stories avenue, showcase the essence of your brand – its history, mission, values, and unique selling points. Let your audience connect with the soul of your brand, building trust and loyalty through powerful storytelling.

2. Share the Human Experience

With People Stories, bring to light the personal narratives that define your brand, including employee journeys, customer testimonials, and community impact stories. This approach humanizes your brand, creating emotional connections with a quality audience that lasts beyond the campaign.

How does ‘Makna Merdeka benefit your brand? 

1. Boost Your Brand with Positive Vibes

Harness the power of Merdeka Day’s unity and positivity by aligning your brand with the celebration. Sponsorship lets you tap into the goodwill of the nation, fostering a strong, positive association in consumers’ minds and enhancing your brand image effortlessly.

2. Tap into Multi-Platform Magic

Sponsoring our campaign means your brand shines across TV, digital, and social media. Experience unparalleled reach and boost brand awareness with a diversified approach that’s more impactful than any single channel!

3. Seize the Spotlight

Elevate your brand with unmatched exposure by tapping into a highly engaged audience fueled by national pride. Sponsoring our campaign ensures your message resonates where it matters most, delivering far greater impact than typical non-seasonal ads

Branding Opportunities


  • 2 mins Special Report on AWANI 745 & Buletin AWANI
  • 2 mins AWANIByte Capsule on Astro AWANI / Al Jazeera English / CNA / CNN

On Digital

  • 2 mins AWANIByte+ Vertical Video
  • Live Stream on AWANI YouTube
  • Sponsor’s Logo on Microsite Orang KL
  • Branded Advertorial
  • Social Media Postings

Channel: Astro AWANI (CH.501) 
Date & Time: 
August & September 2024
Genre: Documentary, Cultural Celebration, Patriotic Content
Category Pricing: x5